Finding Peace in a World of Turmoil
We live in tumultuous times, where things change so fast. I bring the daily plight and tragedies taking place around the world to us live, in a minute by minute encapsulation, that keep us off balance, and our stress factor high.
How can we find peace in a world of turmoil?
While I do not get through very many newscasts without shedding some tears for the pain and suffering of other humans, animals, and the environmental crimes against our earth, I question if that makes me more sensitive than others, or just more deeply connected and aware of my own feelings?
Are we becoming a species of humans unaffected by the tragedies and injustices being played out daily against humanity and Mother Nature, that we have become insensitive to it, watching the daily heart-wrenching drama on our big screens while we eat our snacks or dinner in front of the screen and channel surf? I don’t think so. While it may appear that way on the surface, I don’t think anyone gets away that easily.
I believe on some level, whether we realize it or not, every heartache of unbearable pain suffered by humans and every sentient being, no matter where they live on the planet, is also our own heartache. There is an indelible mark absorbed into our being, no matter which political side you lean towards, or however cold or closed off you may…