Is Noise Making Us Crazy

Our Souls are Crying for Peace and Quiet

Katherine G. MacRae
5 min readNov 16, 2020
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Our modern world is cheating us out of a major component in maintaining good mental health. Silence. Our souls are crying for peace and quiet.

Today’s world is jammed with constant noise. The sound of traffic, TVs, radios blaring from a neighbour’s yard, car alarm horns going off, high-pitched ear-splitting leaf blowers, chainsaws cutting down another majestic tree, lawnmowers, snowblowers, industrial machine noise, construction, neglected dogs barking, smartphones pinging and buzzing with every notification.

Unlike our early ancestors who lived prior to the industrial revolution, it is impossible to get through a day without noise. Yes, modern conveniences are wonderful, to a point, but the constant interference on the brain with noise takes a toll on us.

Human manufactured noise that is a part of our everyday lives often becomes grating on our nerves and makes us cranky without really being aware of the source. It’s our soul longing for peace and quiet in a world that won’t stop making noise.

The effects of constant noise on our well-being are far more damaging than a bout of crankiness. Much research in various studies has concluded that there is in fact a negative toll on our physical and mental health, so much so that noise is…

